
The past few weeks have been crazy to say the least. Cora came down with a nasty cold a few days after we visited Samoset. She was really congested and labored for each breath. Hearing her caugh over and over was heart renching. She was so helpless and perplexed about why everything she was in pain. She would stare right at me as she’d caught her lungs up as if to say, “Why Momma, why?” AHHH. So stink’n sad. While Cora was sick I had a small medical “procedure” that ended up being futile and I had to fast for 24 hours. This was no easy task, especially when nursing a sick 9 week old baby. Luckily Grandma came to the rescue and stayed with us for a night to help out. Then as if that wasn’t trying enough, Cora got over her cold and needed to get the dreaded 2 month immunization shots. Thankfully, Andy came to the appointment with me and was brave enough to help hold her still while the nurses gave her the shots. It wasn’t quiet as bad as I was imagining. Although I can say that I have never heard Cora cry that way before. It was a gasping-for-air kind of cry.  She seemed OK a few minutes after the shots and ran a low fever for a few days. The best part was the silver glittery Band-Aids they put on her thighs that made her look like a little roller derby mama.

On a happier note, Gram and Cracker, Andy’s grandparents from Maryland, drove down last week to see their first great grand-daughter. There trip was complete with keys stuck in their cup holder, a broke down Lincoln, a lost pair of prescription sun glasses, buying a new Lincoln, and some of the hottest weather Florida has to offer. While they were here it was Father’s Day and I suprised Andy by taking him to Lee Roy Selmon’s, his new favorite BBQ place. Cora is giving her Dad the gift of golf next weekend with his good friend Chris. Andy doesn’t know how to golf and has been saying he wants to learn. He also wanted to learn how to play the guitar and that is just sitting in the corner collecting dust, so we’ll see how golf goes. Andy has been such a great Daddy and it is so much fun watching him love on her. My favorite things about watching Andy become a father: have been; the way he lights Cora’s face up when he talks to her, he changes diapers, he can’t wait until he gets his “Cora on the Cob” after work, he’s always telling her how beautiful she is, he loves waking her up, and the best of all is listening to him when he prays for her!

Happy Father’s Day Andy! We love you!




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